
Watch Rihanna Shine like a "Diamond" during her performance at SNL

Last episode of "Saturday Night Live", hosted buy the glorious actress Anne Hathaway was attended by the Princess RiRi! Rihanna preformed two new tracks that will be release on her new album "Unapologetic"which will be released on November 16.

Honestly I think that Rihanna delivered a nice vocal performance on both songs! I can tell that "Stay" will be one of my favorite song from the album! I've got some chills going up and down my body everytime I hear that song Nevertheless, it is important for me to ask this: will this be "just another" year/album for Rihanna or will this be THE year of Rihanna and one of the best albums of the year...let's just wait and see.
 Don't forget to check "Diamonds" and "Stay" performances right below this comment.

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