
About Us

Hello =)

My name is Tiago Fernandes and I’m from Portugal.
It is a fact that with every passing year I promise myself the following: this year is the year that I will create a music blog! Well, after almost 2 or 3 years of having this idea on my mind, FINALLY the day has come…brace yourselves  xD!
At the end of the day this would be something inevitable once the  music for me embraces a new dimension by everyday that goes by! Honestly I refuse to believe that music only has that side! There has to be something more than the sounds of instruments, melodies and voices that echo for 3 or 4 minutes! No, music exists in every heartbeat that drives me crazy everytime I hear a music that brings me back to a moment in my life that was so special that I can't simply delete from my mind!  Whether it was a bad moment, a happy moment, there always will be a soundtrack which fits perfectly! There always will be a perfect song to cry alone or to share perfect moments with your friends. There always will be a songs that brings back the past, a song that show you how special the present is, and a song that will show you how promising and full of hope and dreams your future can be.

So that, let’s Rock the Life properly ok?!
I’m looking forward for this, and of course to share all of this with you =)


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