
Unapologetic Album Sampler

You know what? Everyone knows how Unapologetic you are Riri and i don't see how that can be a problem honestly!

7 Years, 7 albums! Will this be you "lucky 7" Riri? We already know how Rihanna plays her game!
A few weeks ago when I read for the first time that Rihannas' 7th album was near to be released I was like "Damn Giiiiiirl, take a break already!!!" Loud and Talk that Talk were not the best we ever heard from her, and so, maybe Rihanna should take a time to re-think her ways and direct her work to another path! However I think that Unapologetic brings back the "Rated R" kinda vibe and on my opinion i think that's just perfect! And just like she side a time ago " If you love it, it will never feel like work"
I´m alrady addicted to some tracks: Diamonds, Jump, Right Now, Stay and  No Love Allowed.
Make sure you check out the video bellow:

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